Why Godwin?
In every life, there is a life-changing moment of discovery. It may be the sudden rush of confidence when you master something difficult. It may be the joy at finding a talent you didn’t know you had. It may come from a passage in a book, a walk in the mountains, or something a teacher says that stays with you. Attending Godwin is also a turning point.
For generations parents and students from around India Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh have discovered and made their way to our boarding school in pleasant Darjeeling Mountains. Like a hidden gem, Godwin Modern School has become the answer for those parents who find themselves asking one of life’s most frustrating questions: Where can I find a school that will enable my child to realize his/her untapped potential? You need a turning point for your child. You have found Godwin Modern School.
Since 1992, Godwin Modern School has transformed the lives of hundreds of children. In the heart of the beautiful Darjeeling Mountains, nestled in the The Land of White Orchids- Kurseong our safe, co-ed boarding school combines structure with self-reliance, discipline with discovery, and a firm hand with a warm heart. Our curriculum challenges the brightest students and encourages those who are unmotivated or experiencing difficulty in their school setting.
We believe strongly in our school and it is our hope that our website can provide for you a healthy and transparent glimpse of Godwin Modern School. Through the various links and pages you will learn what makes Godwin Modern School such a unique boarding school: academic success through student accountability; athletic success through excellent sports and training programs; a fresh start for those needing a new environment; a school that is simultaneously traditional, relevant, and personal. These are the mainstays of our school.
We have a proud confidence in our program and our highly experienced staff; the consistent and healthy focus on our mission; how our rural setting actually serves to enhance our mission; the thoughtful consideration given to school policies and how our students benefit from a carefully maintained balance of nurture and structure; the genuine devotion we have for our community and our diverse student body; the wide range of programs we provide for such a small student population, ensuring attention, accountability, and self-reliance.
Our school is likely to be located many miles from you. We are safely tucked away from the distractions that can affect teens so dramatically. We seek to minimize the distance and transport our rural campus to you personally.We are a school, a community, a place for students to grow and to become their very best. We are Godwin Modern School, we are the Turning Point.